No. 22
Kontinuität und Brüche: Der Übergang von der Primar- zur Sekundarstufe im Englischunterricht aus der Perspektive der Lehrkräfte

On the basis of a questionnaire study with primary and secondary school teachers in Baden-Wurttemberg, the article presents insights into Year 4 and Year 5 English language teachers' perspectives on the topic of transition from primary to secondary level. The findings of the survey identify both differences and consistencies in teaching methodology, assessment methods and evalutation of primary foreign language teaching results between primary and secondary school teachers. They point at a lack of information and cooperation between the two levels and highlight the importance of further training on the topic, especially in the field of diagnosing learners' competencies.

Seite 145-175, Heft 2/2011, Band 22
Wie stuft und prüft man Sprachmittlung? Einige Fragen und Antworten aus Forschung und Unterrichtspraxis

Following the adoption of the CEFR, mediation, i.e. summarizing and paraphrasing texts between L1 and L2, has been included into nearly all German curricula for secondary schools. In some German states mediation is also a task in school leaving exams, especially in the Abitur. While there are no scales for this activity in the CEFR, some researchers have attempted to define levels of mediation and school authorities have prescribed rating scales. The present article explains, reviews and critically evaluates some of the models, drawing also on results from applied translation studies. It thus wants to add some systematic thoughts on testing mediation to the research on learning tasks, which has dominated the field so far.

Seite 177-194, Heft 2/2011, Band 22
OFF TO NEW SHORES? Re-Education und Englischunterricht in Bremen 1945-1951

When after World War II the occupying powers took over Germany, one of the main challenges they faced was to rebuild and redesigning the German educational system. The dominant political goal of this ambitious task in the American sector - of which the enclave of Bremen and Bremerhaven formed a part that had been handed over by the British on May 20th, 1945 - was education Germans for democracy (re-education).

The Following paper presents an ongoing research project (work-in-progress) which investigates the role and meaning of English language teaching within the process of re-education in the Bremen enclave with regard to structural and curricular aspects as well as on the level of content and methodology. Based on this example, the project also aims at gaining insights into the questions of when, (how) and why educational reform does or does not work.

Seite 195-219, Heft 2/2011, Band 22
Meaning-Making, Border Crossings, Complexity, and New INterpretive Techniwues: Expanding Our Unterstanding of Language Learner Narratives

We are always telling stories, our lives are surrounded by our stories and those of other people. We see everything that happens to us in terms of these stories, as we sometimes try to lead our lives as if we were recounting them.

Jean-Paul Sartre, Les Mots

In this article I extend prior discussions of language learner narratives in four ways: explaining the context of general narrative research and the relationship between narrative story, describing and illustrating three general types of learner narratives, and offering creative approaches for analyzing about themes in learner narravtives, such as "triple-restorying". This article intentionally offers many references to a wide and varied selection of published learner narratives representing a much larger universe of such narratives. My reason for including such a rich sample is to provide as many resources as possible for readers who want to conduct their own multifaceted explorations. I also consciously draw upon resources from varied disciplines, such as clinical psychology, cognitive psychology, and conflict resoltution, as well as emphasizing the sociocultural context of narratives.

Seite 221-241, Heft 2/2011, Band 22