No. 3
Immersion und alternative Ansätze des Fremdsprachenerwerbs in Nordamerika: Probleme des Transfers in die Bundesrepublik Deutschland

The paper presents the last information on the North American experience concerning bilingual education and immersion education in particular. After a short overview of different types and programs of bilingual education, distinctions are being introduced between second language learning for majority children and for minority students. Also, differences between the United States and Canada are pointed out.

The main part of the paper deals with the description and critical evaluation of French immersion programs in Canada for the majority children of Anglophone origin, since they seem to be particularly relevant for our discussion and approaches of bilingual education over here. In addition, alternative approaches of language learning and teaching, designed for Francophone students to acquire English as a second language (ESL), are presented, namely intensive ESL programs in Quebec and comprehension-based ESL courses in New Brunswick. All of them seem to be surprisingly successful.

The paper finishes off by considering the chances and risks of transferring the North American experience to Germany. It is argued that no direct transfer or application within our sitting is possible; rather, it seems more appropriate to study those programs with all their strength and weakness well, yet to develop a variety of types of bilingual education on our own, necessary for different needs and groups of learners in an European perspective.

Seite 5-38, Heft 2/1992, Band 3
Überlegungen zur Entwicklung von Lehr- und Lernmaterialien für den bilingualen Fachunterricht

Schools with a bilingual section ought to organize language instruction and language acquisition across the whole curriculum. Individual subjects (e.g. L2-English, L2-geography / history / political science, L1-German, other L1-subjects) share responsibilities in developing (a) basic interpersonal communication skills as well as (b) cognitive academic language proficiency. The individual functions of these subjects in the language acquisition process are explained.

German schools with a bilingual section are in urgent need of material supporting subject learning as well as content-based language learning. An analysis of a German textbook for second year history shows that translating ordinary German textbooks – as it was proposed by school administrators – will answer neither needs of teachers nor of students since they are lexically too complex. What is more, they contain no exercises or specific support for building up content-based communicative skills.

Since there is no specific textbook material for bilingually taught subjects on the German schoolbook market, there is need for innovation. The Landesinstitut (Soest) has begun to conceptualize modular units for geography classes that might serve as examples for other subjects. The authors define functional elements and comment on future developmental work.

Seite 39-55, Heft 2/1992, Band 3
Zur Funktion von Vorwissen und Strategien beim Lernen mit Instruktionstexten

In this pilot study a concurrent thinking-aloud method was used to investigate the functions of prior knowledge and the strategies a student applies when learning a grammar text. The analysis reveals some negative effects prior knowledge can have on understanding. Several strategies on different hierarchical levels are identified and discussed. Conclusions for further research are drawn.

Seite 57-79, Heft 2/1992, Band 3