No. 18
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Anpassung von Skalen und Deskriptoren des Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmens am Beispiel des berufsorientierten Fremdsprachenlernens: das Forschungsprojekt „Kompetenzprofile“

The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF) has been described as the most groundbreaking document in the field of foreign language learning in a long time. The authors of the CEF encourage users of the Framework to adapt it to their particular needs. The purpose of the paper is to report on a research project that attempts to adapt CEF descriptors for vocational purposes, following a qualitative validation procedure to ensure the quality of the descriptors. The focus of the paper is in the methodology for adapting CEF descriptors, designing CEF-based competence profiles as a result. The methodology and design of the study will be outlined as well as data analysis methods and first results. The article concludes with potential uses of the competence profiles.

Seite 43-66, Heft 1/2007, Band 18
Performanzphänomene in gesprochenem Lernerenglisch - Eine korpusbasierte Pilotstudie

The present paper reports on a pilot study of performance phenomena in the spoken inter-language of advanced German learners of English. The focus is on selected syntactic features which the corpus-based Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English (Biber et al. 1999) considers to be typical of spontaneous spoken language, i.e. repetitions, hesitation phenomena and contractions. This pilot study is based on the German component of the Louvain International Database of Spoken English Interlanguage (LINDSEI-Ger) and the corresponding native control corpus LOCNEC (Louvain Corpus of Natuve English Conversations). While the focus of the presented paper is on the corpus-based description of the spoken syntax of advanced spoken interlanguage, some language-pedagogical implications are also sketched out, especially with regard to possible ways of teaching and learning strategies to overcome dysfluencies and to get closer to native target norm.

Seite 67-84, Heft 1/2007, Band 18