No. 11
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Subjektive Theorien zweier Fremdsprachenlernerinnen im Seniorenalter

The present study is part of a more comprehensive investigation into third-age language learning. The sample consists of learners of German as a foreign language at one of the Università della Terza Ètà in Rome. My intention is firstly to position Subjective Theories as a research method within the framework of present methodological discussion. Secondly I would like to illustrate the application of this method in its adapted form in the context of my own research. In a third step I will give a succinct presentation of the entire corpus with detailed focus on two particular learners and their Subjective Theories of language learning. I will finally discuss the extent to which communicative validation – which is the first access to the model of Subjective Theories – may enhance the interpretation of empirical data compared to qualitative interviews in this particular case.

Seite 93-124, Heft 2/2000, Band 11